Artificial Intelligence and Automation 2021
Datamation Automation is becoming a top priority in many markets, especially as the remote workforce grows and workforce shortages displace traditional models of work Source:
Datamation Automation is becoming a top priority in many markets, especially as the remote workforce grows and workforce shortages displace traditional models of work Source:
In recent years, alarmist discussions of the threats of job automation have regularly been making the headlines. These fears can be explained by major advances in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) Source:
AI is a term that is used frequently in the horticultural industry. Because of this, one sometimes gets the impression that AI is going to solve all future problems in the industry. Source:
Maintaining a skilled workforce is vital to the success of Industry 4.0. Despite the fact that continuously updated skills training is a well-recognized facet of the digital transformation, many industry observers see the current situation as dire. Source:
ANZ bank has been using machine learning for around 20 years, but its chief risk officer Jason Humphrey said it’s the compute power the bank now has that allows it to bring more products and features. Source:
Both the IoT and AI are playing a crucial role in letting businesses run their function more efficiently and drive success. Source:
We only need to look toward prominent Industry 4.0 models to see how artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting the future of manufacturing. Source:
TechRepublic’s Karen Roby spoke with Noel Calhoun, CTO of Interos, an artificial intelligence supply chain solution, about AI in the supply chain. The following is an edited transcript of their conversation. Source:
AI scientists have discovered methods enabling machines to see, hear, speak, and write So far, we have seen Artificial Intelligence doing wonders in ways innumerable. Source:
It is crucial, now more than ever, to know the basics. Having built businesses in the AI space for years, most recently with AI-integrated platforms, here are a few points worth clearly understanding. Source: