How Artificial Intelligence Will Revolutionize the Way Video Games are Developed
With recent advancements in AI, the gaming industry and game developers are coming up with more lucrative ways of using AI in games. Source:
With recent advancements in AI, the gaming industry and game developers are coming up with more lucrative ways of using AI in games. Source:
Perhaps one of the last things to come to mind when discussing the food industry is modern technology, especially artificial intelligence, and machine learning. However, these technologies have a massive impact. Source:
Many companies suffer from two common constraints when it comes to effectively growing their business: lack of resources and flawed decision-making. Source:
AI technology is assisting healthcare workers, enabling them to care for residents instead of running around responding to false alarms. Source:
As AI impacts businesses of all shapes and sizes across all industries, there is no reason to believe that leadership will be spared from the influence of AI. Source:
Smart, quasi-autonomous robots and machines are replacing humans in workplaces all over the world. When sophisticated robots behave in ways that make customers nervous, how do they get the feedback essential to improvement? Source:
Artificial intelligence is a complex topic. While some love it and others hate it, there’s no denying that it’s currently transforming the real estate industry. Source:
The increasing attention being paid to artificial intelligence raises important questions about its integration with social sciences and humanity. Source:
One of the biggest challenges that companies face as they try to improve their learning & development programs is time. With today’s technology, L&D professionals can get granular data on how learners interact with content. Source:
While the average person may not be greeted at the bank by an actual robot, we see artificial intelligence being used regularly in our day-to-day banking world. Source: